Friday, June 27, 2008

Brasserie Alyssa Cuisine Thailandaise

Introducing a NEW, EXOTIC, COZY, RELAXING AND UPSCALE dinning experience in the French Concession, serving Thai cuisine French style.

Brasserie Alyssa
offers you the opportunity for a truly authentic Thai dinning experience. You can enjoy the relaxing and exotic Thai atmosphere right in the French Concession. If you are looking for a cozy place to hang out in the traditionally Thai "tatami"-style, then look no more! We serve daily set meals in our unique Thai-French style created by our celebrity chef, Alyssa Han.

Background: Alyssa Han established Thaifoodstation, first as a way to introduce Thai home-style cooking, then as it gained popularity, Thaifoodstation became an intimate and exclusive home based dining experience. Teaming up with various Thai restaurants to utilize their support and to help out her Thai counterparts, Thai Food Station is now available to you in the comfort of your own home.

Now, five years later, Alyssa's will lead Thai Food Station into its third chapter with her Japanese partner, Hiro Yoshimoto. The fusion of Thai and French cuisine can be enjoyed at Taikang lu, lane 248, House No. 29, 2ndfloor.

Atmosphere : The restaurant designed with Thai and French décor in mind, is created by Hiro Yoshimoto, the owner of YPSILON LTD. “ The interior portrays ALYSSA ‘s personality and the elegant style of her cuisine. Located in the French concession, I also combined classical Thai and French style living rooms to create Brasserie Alyssa, the most cozy and exotic Thai dinning space in the Taikang lu area.

Cuisine : Alyssa has come up with fusion Thai entrees to serve at our reception lounge. More than 10 special Thai rolls with Crape served in combination with Thai healthy spices. For lunch and dinner set menus combine Thailand’s most popular dishes served in French Style of gusto and flair plus Alyssa’s Daily Special.

Please come and enjoy ….

Brasserie Alyssa, Cuisine Thailandaise
Venue: 2nd. Floor. House No.29. Lane248, Taikang Lu. 200025 Shanghai.
Email booking(name/contact) : talk to the chef : MSN :
HOTLINE FOR RESERVATION & INFORMATION: 021 64730938/ 086 13311997020, 086 15026593806

Brasserie Alyssa 给您带来正统泰国料理体验。您可以在原法租界内感受到轻松浪漫的泰国情调。如果您在寻找一个舒适的泰式蹋蹋米环境,那就要恭喜您了。我们的著名大厨 Alyssa Han. 为您设计了独特法式泰国特色料理套餐。背景介绍 : Alyssa Han 早年创立了「泰国美食小站」来普及泰国家庭料理,由于人气大增「泰国美食小站」逐渐演变成了一种亲密的、具有独特的家庭式氛围的小餐馆。五年过去了 , Alyssa's 带着她的「泰国美食小站」迎来了她的第三个章节,与她的日本好友兼合作伙伴吉本一郎先生共同创办的「泰国美食小站」。这种独特的法式泰国佳肴在泰康路 248 弄 29 号二楼就可以享受得到,就像回到您自己家里一样舒适。氛围 : 饭店的设计融泰国情调与法国浪漫为一体 , 出自 YPSILON LTD 的董事吉本一郎先生的创意。内部装饰着意于 ALYSSA 的个性来配合她的料理品味。由于位于原法租界这个特殊地理位置 , 另外加入了经典的法式泰国起居室风味来衬托 Brasserie Alyssa , 这个泰康路最有情调的泰国料理空间。佳肴 : Alyssa 位于一楼的里屋小酒吧有各式泰式料理来欢迎您的到来 , 有超过 10 种以上的泰式春卷拼盆配泰国健康蘸酱任您选择。午间与晚间的套餐是最受欢迎的泰国料理,加上 Alyssa 之「今日推荐」都用法式优雅的服务方法为您送上。敬请光临 !Brasserie Alyssa, Cuisine Thailandaise地址 : 上海泰康路 248 弄 29 号 2 楼 邮编 : 200025预约 Tel : 86 21 64730938 , 86 13311997020, 86 15026593806

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